EMILY PEDLEY-FECHT is a part-time legal assistant. She is a lifelong resident of LaFayette County. She is able to sit in her chair looking out the window for extended periods of time without numbness or fatigue. In her spare time she builds robots.


LYDIA HOLT was born and raised in Crawford County. Prior to becoming a legal assistant she graduated from Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin earning her Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice. In August 2015 she graduated from the Wisconsin State Law Enforcement Academy after interning with the Grant County Sheriff's Department. She completed a BA Degree in History through the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, in 2021, and is a second-year dean's list law student attending Mitchell-Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Copyright The Key Law Firm, LLC. All rights reserved.


AHNA KEY is our office receptionist and factotum. Marquette University with a BS degree in political science in 2018 and received her Juris Doctorate from Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2022.

  Atty. Daniel M. Key                                         

ABBY ROONEY is a 2011 graduate of Prairie du Chien High School and works as a part-time legal assistant. Born and raised in Prairie du Chien, she now resides near Elkader, Iowa.